Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lustre "Another Time, Another Place (Chapter One and Two)"

    Celebrating a lustrous career of atmospheric black metal creativity, the one man band known as, Lustre, will be releasing two complication albums this coming March. Set for release on March 29th through Morrowless Music, “Another Time, Another Place (Chapter One and Two),” is an opportunity for fans to purchase some of the most immaculate recordings ever recorded by Lustre.

    The mastermind behind Lustre, Nachtzeit, continues to demonstrate his talents with each new release and over the years he has established a phenomenal discography. Lustre is a band that is highly regarded amongst the atmospheric black metal community to the where you hear quite a few bands releasing material that sounds very similar to Lustre. No matter how many come along that sound similar, at the end of the day Lustre’s music glistens in terms of sound and overall quality.

    Starting with, “Another Time, Another Place Chapter One,” the compilation features the never before released EP, “The Ardour of Autumn,” recorded in 2013 along with the band’s 2009 EP, “Welcome Winter.”  When listening to, “The Ardour of Autumn,” one can imagine themselves standing amongst a forest with yellow and orange leaves falling around them. Lustre’s music is a perfect example of taking sounds and creating these magnificent sounding atmospheres by effectively layering synth sounds to heighten certain emotions. In the background there is this faint wall of distortion which the keyboards seem to flow through and eventually develop into some strong melodic compositions.

    Another point to bring up is that the songs are not exactly short and the four tracks on this compilation average close to around ten minutes. Even with lengthy pieces of music, Lustre maintains focus by writing dynamic pieces of music that produce sounds to keep listeners intently engaged.

    The second compilation album, “Another Time, Another Place Chapter Two,” contains three tracks which are made up of the very first Lustre EP, “Serenity,” from 2008 and then, “A Spark of Times of Old,” which was originally released around 2013. I definitely find this EP to convey a more raw atmospheric black metal style. The song, “The Light of Eternity,” from the band’s debut EP, blends the harsher sounds of black metal style guitar with a mesmerizing synth melody, while the vocals cry out in agony over the instrumental arrangements.

    The next song from the first EP, “Waves of the Worn,” is a seven minute exploration through ambient sounding realms of calming synth. Wrapping up the album, “A Spark of Times of Old” is probably one of my favorite Lustre recordings and one of the band’s most ambitious pieces ever recorded. The overall production is absolutely brilliant along with the way that the song moves in such amazing synergy. You feel a sense of calmness with each sound and soon find yourself drifting away into an atmospheric world of endless wonder.

    Fans of Lustre and atmospheric black metal might want to mark their calendars, because I think these two compilations are great examples of musical genius and profound artistic expression. In a world where cheap and forgettable music is unfortunately very common, you really come to appreciate what Nachtzeit has been able to do over the years with Lustre. I hope Lustre continues to inspire artists on how they should approach their music and I hope Lustre keeps releasing new material for people to discover.

Lustre "The Ardour of Autumn" :

Morrowless Music:

Lustre Facebook:

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