Saturday, February 16, 2019

Armagedda "The Final War Approaching"

    Bring on the end of humanity, the apocalyptic demise of society with the music of Sweden’s Armagedda playing in the background as our world is swallowed up into oblivion. To celebrate the band’s 20 years of blackened devastation, the band will be reissuing their debut album, “The Final War Approaching.”

    A blistering cut of black metal, the album is one of the most grim and abysmal sounding releases ever recorded by Armagedda and one all black metal fans might want to add to their collections. The Swedish based label, Nordvis, will be reissuing the album on CD, cassette and vinyl with a release date set for March 29th. “The Final War Approaching,” is an album that stays true to the raw black metal formula and conjures up some evil sounding atmospheres.

    “The Final War Approaching,” is a strong release containing a vicious selection of eight tracks. The buzzsaw sounding distorted guitar riffs, rapid skull crushing drum parts and hellish sounding vocals, construct blasphemous offerings of music that will send shivers down the spines of priests and summon total darkness. The first song off the album, “Deathminded,” is a raw cut of music featuring a blizzard of blackened fury and does a great job kicking off the album. The second track, “Sign of Evil,” slashes away with a terrifying main riff that may not be exactly technical, however, it lays the foundation for a pulverizing piece of extreme music.

    As the album progresses you hear the band maintain a tight sound that does not stray too far from how the beginning tracks sound. “Undergång” explodes through the speakers with distorted aggression and displays the band’s unforgiving attitude. I must point out how the production of this album compliments the band’s style of songwriting and you feel the music is written with true passion for black metal music to where the tracks to do not sound dual in the least sense. The final song on the album, “My Eternal Journey,” concludes the musical onslaught by hammering out a slower and extremely malevolent sounding riff. Once again, Armagedda hacks away in raw and grim fashion to give listeners a truly harsh sounding album.

    If you are a fan of pure unapologetic black metal, then this is a required listen in my opinion. Also, if you enjoy the album you have the option of getting it on CD, cassette and vinyl thanks to Nordvis. Now, I do want say that anyone who thinks that after watching, Lords of Chaos, they are a black metal expert, needs to go take a hike off a cliff and understand that there is more to black metal then guys burning churches, stabbing each other and shooting at McDonalds (Yes Varg claims he did that once). Armagedda reminds us that black metal should be about the music and not the controversies surrounding your band.

Armagedda "Sign of Evil" :

Pre-Order through Nordvis here:

1 comment:

  1. Great review. A few bad apples shouldn't destroy a genre of music. Keep promoting metal bands making great music Robby!
