Monday, October 31, 2022

Cryptae "Capsule"

    For their second full-length album Dutch experimental death metal maniacs, Cryptae, return with yet another sanity shredding release. From schizophrenic sounding arrangements to raw inhuman brutality, the band holds nothing back with this new album.

    Titled, “Capsule,” the album is a truly unconventional exploration into the endless possibilities of where extreme metal can go by savagely twisting compositions to construct an unpredictable musical landscape. The band is working with Sentient Ruin yet again, which should come as no surprise given that Sentient Ruin put out Cryptae’s debut album, “Nightmare Traversal.” Actually, I thought that the band’s debut album was a unfathomable sounding release that took death metal into these nightmarish directions with influences ranging from old school death metal to black metal to industrial. One aspect that seems to never change about this band is that they are always willing to take a brutal sounding composition and mess around with different elements to craft an unbelievably surreal and unorthodox sounding piece of music. 

    Out of the nine tracks on this album, I strongly believe listeners will either find themselves bewitched by this albums erratic brutal sound, or they will question how people could compose such agonizing arrangements. I personally like the harsh sounding vocal parts that compliment the punishing riffs and almost otherworldly compositions. On the opening track,”Pearl,” you sort of are introduced to this haunting sounding electronic environment that gets completely decimated by this primitive assault of gruesome brutality. The drums come thunderously crashing down like buildings collapsing after a violent explosion. 

    After surviving the merciless torment from the first track, you’ll find that the music becomes even more sporadic sounding as well as ventures into some very unique directions, especially pertaining to the ominous industrial noises that the band incorporates. “Trench” and “Deluge,” are a couple tracks that feature some extremely blistering guitar parts along with these utterly intense drum parts. You feel caught in this blizzard of sinister distortion and there is just no escaping the hazardous soundscape which begins to take over your mind. 

    Similar to how I felt about Cryptae’s debut album, this release is a solid example of how to experiment with death metal, yet not jump completely off the rails that then ends up spending like train wreck of a release. Yes, there are some moments where the industrial sounds leave me stretching my head wondering where the hell this band is going, but then all of a sudden they come charging back with a monstrous onslaught of savage riffs. The song “Salt,” was a perfect example of how this band was able to experiment with these eerie sounds that reminded me of something straight out of a suspenseful science fiction film, however they were still able to hammer out a killer main riff to keep you fully engaged. 

    There are some modern extreme metal bands that record albums which blatantly mirror previous bands and end up becoming forgettable after one listen. In the case of Cryptae, this band has you listening from start to finish even if you do not full grasp what is happening at the beginning of this album. I will admit that this style and approach is not for everyone, but if you are a fan of extreme metal which pushes the boundaries while maintaining a brutal mindset, then this album is highly worth checking out.

Check out the song "Pearl" below: 

Sentient Ruin Bandcamp (Album releases November 18th) :

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