Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rob “The Metal Guy” Rants About Youtube Reaction Videos

   Anyone who takes the time to film themselves watching a music video and then labels it a “reaction” video on Youtube, honestly needs to be put on one of Elon Musk’s rockets and sent to Mars. I’ve noticed over the years that there are too many Youtubers creating these “reaction” videos, especially people who are obviously not fans of rock and metal music. I’m sure a lot of people might ask, “how do you know they are not fans,” or “you sound like a metal elitist,” but in all honesty when someone uses poor descriptive dialogue to label a Slayer song and seems to know nothing about the actual music they are describing, then they are not fans of the band at all. If anything they just find some random metal video and believe that making a reaction video will get them clicks. 

   When you have some hipster dude who dresses like they regularly attend Coachella filming a reaction video to a black metal song, you know the world has become completely ruined by ignorant humanoids who only care about getting attention from a platform that has become a massive joke over the years. Based on my last comment you can tell that I am not a huge Youtube fan. I find that the platform has completely gone downhill thanks to the corporation running it, along with some of the despicable content creators who have gained massive amounts of ignorant followers. 

   Now, I know in the past I have advocated for more people to check out certain rock and metal bands, because I strongly believe that there are some talented artists who deserve recognition. I have dedicated most of my life to promoting rock and metal music, so I do not wish to prevent people from checking it out. However, taking a rock or metal song and filming your response is just disingenuous and makes you look like an attention seeking whore. Just imagine if I started doing album reviews for that mindless modern pop music which has turned children into complete brats who at the age of eleven are trying to act like the Kardashians. Really makes me sick, but I would never go out of my way to review it and then film my reaction. Probably because my reaction would just be me ranting and raving about how these people are destroying society. 

   Again, I do not wish to dissuade people from listening to rock and metal music, and I do not want to say that people should not do reviews via blogs, or video if they actually know what they are talking about. I am just trying to get people to understand that making a video to show your “reaction” is criminally obnoxious. Also, a lot of these people are putting on a poor acting performance and you can tell they are not being genuine when listening to the songs. Humans will do almost anything for attention nowadays and platforms like Youtube unfortunately fuel this sick behavior. 

    As someone who has spent years reviewing and covering rock and metal music, I have become just completely incensed by all this nonsense. Hopefully this trend will die off like so many other YouTube fads, but the only way to stop it is to avoid these videos at all costs and support the music critiques who truly appreciate the artists and know what they are talking about! 

1 comment:

  1. Let not your heart be troubled. This Youtube crap fad will soon pass.
