Sunday, April 26, 2020

Interview with Yuvraj "The Master" Singh

I have been running this blog for six years now and the goal when I started this blog has remained the same ever since day one. I want to provide people with entertaining and informative content about the world of hard rock and metal, as well as discuss other topics of interest. My friend Yuvraj "The Master" Singh also shares this mentality, which is why over our friendship of ten plus years we have produced a variety of videos, podcasts and articles highlighting our thoughts on music, movies, wrestling and other subjects we enjoy discussing. I thought now would be a great time to do an interview with Yuvraj and continue providing people with entertaining and interesting content. Thank you to all the readers who have supported this blog, along with the bands that I have worked with over the years. We will get through these difficult times and if you need a place to turn to as an escape, this blog will be here. 

So, here it is everyone, an interview with Yuvraj "The Master" Singh...

Q: Hello Yuvraj, how have you been holding up through this whole lockdown and Coronavirus situation?

Suffice it to say that it has been an interesting situation. On the whole, though, it hasn’t been too bad.

Q: Now Yuvraj, you are the “Master Singh” who the people all turn to for knowledge and wisdom, so what advice would you give to people right now in terms of dealing with the situation?

Listen to experts, not politicians (unless their advice is in line with people with medical degrees) or celebrities (unless, again, their advice is in line with medical degrees). It’s an election year, so everyone has earned their honorary political science degree. But not a medical degree.

Q: Since you and I are huge rock and metal fans and I’m sure you are listening to a lot of albums right now, what albums would you recommend people check out? Are there any new bands you have recently discovered?

I’ve been on a bit of a Type O Negative binge; Black No. 1 remains one of my favorite songs. I’ve also been delving into Blue Öyster Cults and Dio albums.

Q: I wanted to get your take on the future of live shows. Some concert promoters are saying we might be waiting until 2021 for major concerts to start up again. What do you think will happen with live shows going forward? Will we get to see Mötley Crüe come back and play live after telling us they were done?

It’s difficult to say, but my outlook isn’t as good as the promoters, I think. There’s long to be long term impacts, and that 2021 release is a bit optimistic, especially if there’s a second or third wave. It’ll be easier to enforce the social distancing in seated arenas, but smaller venues are going to bear the brunt of it, I think.

As for Mötley Crüe – they should use this as an excuse to not tour again. That whole burning the contract was a bit ridiculous. Then again, it’s not as though the entire community didn’t see it coming from a mile away.

Q: For those who may not be aware, you and I are longtime wrestling fans and have been watching WWE for a long damn time. What are your thoughts on the company right now in terms of direction? Also, what do you feel about AEW as of lately and how they are doing going up against WWE?

Answering the latter question first: I think they jumped the gun and the Act of God hasn’t helped them. They can’t do any more fo their live shows for a while and even when they can, the venues will be mostly empty, I think. NXT seems to be presenting a surprisingly strong showing against AEW. Vince also made the mistake of going ahead with the XFL (again). That money could’ve been used to develop more and better talent, but it has gone into a veritable abyss.

WWE has been on the ropes for a while. It seems as though they’ve lost their ability to create new stars, relying instead on the cachet of older legends and comebacks from a bygone era. It’s disappointing, and I hope they can find their footing, but they need someone else in charge of creative.

Q: Here is a fun question, something the world needs right now to be entertained….Who would you vote for, Orange Cassidy (ridiculous comedy wrestler on AEW) or Gene Simmons (musician, entrepreneur and massive douche)?

I would rather emigrate. If either were to win, the American century would be over the following day.

Q: Lastly, I want to thank you for doing this interview for the blog as it provides a nice change from just another album review.


If interested here is the first video we ever did discussing a variety of topics, primarily about illegal downloading...and I think we reference the legendary artist Blowfly. Good times. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed interview. Master Singh has wise opinions on many subjects. You should interview Mason next in regards to wrestling. You'd get the straight scoop from him.
