Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cemetery Filth “Senses of Detriment”

    After releasing their debut album four years ago, Cemetery Filth has re-emerged from the malevolent depths to unleash upon the metal world a brand new unfathomably decimating release titled, “Senses of Detriment." Picking up where they left off on their debut album, “Dominion,” an album that I consider to one of the most brutal and tenacious sounding recordings in recent years, the band continues to deliver a down right brutal brand of old school style death metal. 

    On this new EP, I can tell that the band wanted to push themselves in a more technical direction, while still maintaining that gruesome sounding old school death metal tone. Based out of Atlanta, GA, the band has had some new additions to the line-up with exception of vocalist/guitarist Maddie Kilpatrick who has been the foundation and primary driving force behind the band. I actually interviewed Maddie back when I hosted a hard rock and metal radio show in college, and I have really been impressed by the band’s continued growth over the years since that interview. With the new additions of Evie Austin on bass and Tristan Payne on drums, I really do believe that this new line-up really came together and recorded a strong release. 

    The EP features three new tracks, a new recording of the song “Cosmic Wraiths” which was first featured on the Unspeakable Axe split, “4 Doors to Death,” and a cover of Death’s “Vacant Planets.” On the new tracks I can hear the band pushing themselves in a more technical and dynamic sounding direction similar to that of bands like Atheist, Death and Pestilence. There are some unique and complex sounding riff structures, which gives the music a very entropic feel at times. I still find that Maddie’s voice and delivery captures the raw nature of old school death, thus allowing the music to give off that morbidly sinister vibe. “Intrepid Ways,” is very much a track that combines blistering technicality with a horrifying old school death metal sound and I thought that it was a great choice as the first track on this EP. The riffs really jump out at you as well as the bombastic drumming from Tristan who seems to be a beast behind the kit. The second track, “Cyclocognition” is another extremely warped sounding piece of extreme metal music that features some truly wicked sounding bass lines along with some diabolically savage riffs. 

    On the third track, “Senses of Detriment,” I thought the band did a tremendous job building up the intensity in the beginning of the track and by the middle of the song you become completely possessed by the insidiously deafening arrangements. Also, the lead guitar parts during the song were executed extremely well and did not go overboard with the shredding. I really liked getting to hear this new line-up tackle the song, “Cosmic Wraiths,” which I remember enjoying when I first heard the track on the, “4 Doors to Death,” split back in 2015. This line-up is unbelievably tight and the new recording really gives the song an extra hellacious sounding boost. As for the band’s cover of Death’s, “Vacant Planets,” I definitely think the song was an appropriate choice given the more ambitiously technical direction that Cemetery Filth seems to be exploring. I would also say that I liked how Maddie’s vocals sounded, because instead of trying to sound exactly like Chuck to where the track becomes another cheap and generic Death cover, Maddie’s style provides a refreshing take and adds a unique touch to the track. 

    In the end, if you are a fan of scorching old school death metal and want to hear some mind altering cuts of sickening technical brutality, I definitely think you need to check out, “Senses of Detriment.” I know a lot of bands are writing material similar and sometimes you feel as if there are more new metal bands compared to new metal fans, but I must say that Cemetery Filth not only puts thought and unrelenting passion into their recordings, but this is a band that continues to persevere by coming up with some down right killer sounding death metal music. After seeing this band put out some exceptional releases in the past, I look forward to the future of Cemetery Filth if this is the musical direction that the band plans on pursuing going forward. 

Check out the music video for "Cyclocognition" below:

Link to where you can order the album on CD and Vinyl:

Cemetery Filth links: